Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hard-Baked Eggs?! - An Eggsperiment

With all of the hard-boiled egg mania following Easter Sunday, I ran across this video from Food Network's morning talk show "The Kitchen".  

                Who knew that instead of hard-boiling eggs, you could hard-bake them?!  Was this too good to be true?  I decided to give it a shot.

Since I'm only cooking for one at school, I only used 6 eggs.  As directed in the video above, preheat the oven to 325 degrees and bake them for 30 minutes.

Immediately after removing eggs from the oven, submerge them in an ice water bath.  And once cool enough to touch, peel them.

A few of the eggs had these brown spots after peeling.  I'm thinking this may be where the shell was in direct contact with the muffin tin??  But apart from this...

VOILA!  Perfectly cooked hard eggs!  No gray/green ring around the yolk!  These are a great source of protein and good for snacks, egg salad, deviled eggs, or whatever you like.

If you try out this eggsperiment for yourself, let me know in the comments below!
Til next time!  -M

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